The artist in this case was portraying how she felt about the overuse of plastics and how it affects the ocean. Climate change is upon us and an art piece can make you feel things and reflect on things that might not be here yet but are in the close future.
We do not always understand what the artists want to portray right away, but the art in front of us is a reflection of how they see the world. It is important to see the art, admire it, understand how it makes us feel, then see the name of the piece, admire it again and see if we see it in a different light, then read the description and analyze your feelings of what you analyzed and what the artist meant to convey.
This art installation was close to my heart. The town I grew up in Acapulco always had art installations about the use of plastic and how pollution was affecting the oceans. My fondest memory is of my mom and I going to clean reafs since I was in the first grade. The old memory of the impactful pieces of the past brought back memories but also made me hypercritical of the art. I had to fight my bias and see it with fresh eyes to find enjoyment with my peers.
The town of Acapulco was just completely devastated by one of the strongest hurricanes the world has ever seen. The town that saw me grow up and gave my childhood so much meaning will take decades to recover from such a tragedy. Some close relatives have not recovered from it. Climate change is here and it is devastating our reality. It is not a thing of when, but where you will be when it affects you and your loved ones.
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